[fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sat Mar 2 10:52:18 CET 2013

On Fri, 1 Mar 2013, Martin Schreiber wrote:

> Am 01.03.2013 20:52, schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:
>> For a correct test, you should not enable debug information in FPC.
>> Or enable generation of turbo debug information and the corresponding
>> linker map in Delphi.
>> Otherwise you are comparing apples with pears, as -D+ in delphi does not
>> do nearly the same thing as -g in FPC.
> From an end user point of view comparison of compiletime with debug info is 
> correct IMHO because one needs debug info for development.

Absolutely. I am not arguing with that.

But Delphi does not generate any real debug info with $D+.
You need the actual units (dcu) to be able to debug.

You cannot debug anything with an external debugger unless you enable turbo debugging info.

With FPC you can use  (well must) an external debugger. 
So FPC creates info readable by an external debugger.

If you hire 2 painters to paint the whole of your house,
and one doesn't paint the inside, "because you don't see it from the outside", 
of course he will be finished faster; he didn't perform the same work.

Therefor to compare what is actually comparable, 
and by this I mean that both compilers perform the same tasks, 
you must enable generation of turbo debugging and the linker map 
info in delphi.

This means additional work for the Delphi compiler and therefor 
will slow down Delphi too. 
(in fact quite a lot, if I recall my work with AQTime).

Anyway, what seems obvious from your numbers is that it is the linking 
stage that needs speedup. This does not really come as a surprise.


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