Develop on-device [Was: Re: [fpc-devel] "embedded" again]

Michael Schnell mschnell at
Tue Jan 15 12:38:11 CET 2013

On 01/15/2013 12:29 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
>  I was routinely able to run the server-end of VNC (i.e. the code that 
> runs on the same machine as the app) on a Slug, 
I even do have a Slug for testing (the one that recently was replaced by 
the more powerful QNAP)

How did you install the VNC server ? (hopefully not "apt-get", as this 
is not available on the QNAP).

> on X-based systems it simulates an X server so doesn't need a frame 
> buffer etc. 
I did not know that. ( Supposedly I was mislead by what I found out 
about VNC on Windows.) This suggests that on Linux, VNC might not be 
slower or more memory hungry than NX.... Great !

> Simulated framebuffers are noting new:
Yep. Its obvious how they work, but they might be memory hungry and slow 
when it comes to X, as the full X server needs to be installed and run 
on the target.

Her NX and (as you just made me know) VNC is better.


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