[fpc-devel] Assert and calling frame / address

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sun Feb 17 23:22:18 CET 2013

If the RTL is compiled with optimization then same functions may not 
have a stackframe. Of course that is intended. But...

Within the list of those is at least one (probably both of the following:

Procedure fpc_assert(Const 
Msg,FName:Shortstring;LineNo:Longint;ErrorAddr:Pointer); [Public,Alias : 
'FPC_ASSERT']; compilerproc;
   if pointer(AssertErrorProc)<>nil then

Procedure AssertErrorHandler (Const Msg,FN : ShortString;LineNo:longint; 
TheAddr : pointer);
   Raise EAssertionFailed.Createfmt(SAssertError,[S,Fn,LineNo]) at 
get_caller_addr(theAddr), get_caller_frame(theAddr);

This leads to get_caller_addr/get_caller_frame getting the address and 
frame of the wrong function.
Instead of the function containing the assert, they will get the caller 
of that function.

This is unconvincing if debugging.

I was wondering what the options are? Not even sre if that really is due 
to the missing frame

the code calling ASSERT

006F30AB 55                       push   %ebp  // ErrorAddr:
006F30AC b969030000               mov    $0x369,%ecx
006F30B1 baf8478000               mov    $0x8047f8,%edx
006F30B6 b8c8498000               mov    $0x8049c8,%eax
006F30BB e800acd1ff               call   0x40dcc0 <fpc_assert>

ErrorAddr is the frame of the function calling assert?

Then why get_caller_addr/get_caller_frame ?

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