[fpc-devel] I have created a openocd debugger-interface for lazarus, now some questions

Michael Ring mail at michael-ring.org
Fri Feb 8 00:51:17 CET 2013

Am 07.02.13 16:04, schrieb Martin:
> On 07/02/2013 07:14, Michael Ring wrote:
>> One more thing, do you know why ExecuteCommand is defined as 
>> protected and not public in GDBMIDebugger? I need to send some extra 
>> commands to GDB to make the remote connection, using ExecuteCommand 
>> is an elegant way to do this. But the method is invisible in my class 
>> because it is protected. Can the ExecuteCommand methods be made 
>> public or is this a no-go?
> They (the ones in GDBMIDebugger, not the ones in 
> TGDBMIDebuggerCommand) should be deprecated and removed.
> All commands must go via TGDBMIDebuggerCommand. This is because GDB 
> may need to be set into the correct state (select thread/stack).
> The ones in TGDBMIDebugger are left overs from long ago. They do work, 
> because they do actually encapsulate the command in a 
> TGDBMIDebuggerCommand
> I have plans to change this and introduce a new "inner" queue, that 
> will automatically da the necessary thread/stack selection.
> Then also the TGDBMIDebuggerCommand should be changed, so they do not 
> expect a result from a gdb command, but assign an event, and get 
> called back. So ProcessMessages will no longer be needed.
> But that is still some time to go.
> ---
> As for you, You should be able to inherit from TGDBMIDebuggerCommand?
> Also I do not understand why you do not see a protected class. You do 
> inherit from TGDBMIDebugger? And if you have helper objects, then you 
> can create a public wrapper in your main class.

The problem was sitting in front of the screen.... During some tests I 
did not subclass TGDBMIDebugger but created a new instance. That's I 
guess why I could not see ExecuteCommand.
But now I have cleaned up my code-mess, there are currently only two 
small code changes left in GDBMIDebugger and Debugger, one more will 
come for the breakpoint handling.
Without you great comments I would have never made it that far, thank 
you again!

Index: debugger/debugger.pp
--- debugger/debugger.pp        (revision 40204)
+++ debugger/debugger.pp        (working copy)
@@ -3304,6 +3304,7 @@
    OLD_GDB_DBG_NAME = 'GNU debugger (gdb)';
    OLD_SSH_DBG_NAME = 'GNU debugger through SSH (gdb)';
+  OLD_REMOTE_DBG_NAME = 'GNU debugger through OpenOCD (gdb)';
    s: String;
@@ -3314,6 +3315,7 @@
      s := ConfigStore.GetValue('Type', '');
      if s = OLD_GDB_DBG_NAME then FDebuggerClass:='TGDBMIDEBUGGER';
      if s = OLD_SSH_DBG_NAME then FDebuggerClass:='TSSHGDBMIDEBUGGER';
+    if s = OLD_REMOTE_DBG_NAME then 
Index: debugger/gdbmidebugger.pp
--- debugger/gdbmidebugger.pp   (revision 40204)
+++ debugger/gdbmidebugger.pp   (working copy)
@@ -4502,8 +4502,12 @@
        s := GetPart(['Thread '], [' '], R.Values, True);
        Result := StrToIntDef(s, 0);
        if Result <> 0 then exit;
+      // returned by openocd server
+      s := GetPart(['* '], ['Remote target'], R.Values, True);
+      Result := StrToIntDef(trim(s), 0);
+      if Result <> 0 then exit;
      // no PID found

>> Which GDB version is your prefered version for debugging FreePascal?
> I run the testcase for gdb 6.3 to 7.5. So the IDE can communicate with 
> all of those.
> On Mac, apple provides a modified 6.3.5
> On Windows (at least 32 bit) I recommend 7.2.  7.3 up has some 
> regressions 
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/GDB_Debugger_Tips#Bugs_in_GDB
> Win64 I am not sure
> On Linux any 7.x should be fine
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