[fpc-devel] Free Pascal 2.6.2 rc1

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Tue Nov 13 09:35:45 CET 2012

I already mentioned this some time ago, but I don't know if this issue 
is already turned down and/or if it makes sense to create another entry 
in Mantis.

I feel it makes sense to add the (in Delphi 7 existing bun undocumented) 
TThread.Queue() procedure and/or the last parameter ( "QueueEvent: 
Boolean = False" ), D7 provides with TThread.Synchronize.

(Of course I do like  the more portable "Application.QueuAsyncCall" 
workalike a lot better, but Lazarus at al can't implement this Delphi 
compatible Stuff unless provided by the RTL.)

Thanks for listening,

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