[fpc-devel] about freepascal for mips

Nikolai Zhubr n-a-zhubr at yandex.ru
Fri May 25 22:13:34 CEST 2012

25.05.2012 23:04, Jeppe Græsdal Johansen:
> When I tried to build from SVN trunk there would be an endless steam of
> internalerrors related to fpu registers, no matter if compiled with MIPS
> FPU or softfloat.
> I managed to remove the errors with the following patch, such that
> everything compiled, but I haven't been able to test it:
> http://j-software.dk/fpc-mipsel.patch
> Does anyone know if there's an easy way to set up an emulator for
> testing? Been fighting with qemu for the last half hour without results.

If you wish, I can create an account for you on my debian MIPS box 
(which was configured for Florian and other developers and is accessible 
via ssh almost 24/7) There is enough disk space for all anyway.

Also, I have debain MIPSEL box essentially ready. Developers have not 
requested it yet, so it is not running at the moment, but I can make it 
accessible very quickly if necessary.


> Regards,
> Jeppe
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