[fpc-devel] Breaking change in FPC 2.6.1

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Wed May 2 15:41:39 CEST 2012

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 5:47 AM,  <michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be> wrote:
> On Wed, 2 May 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:
>> On 01.05.2012 17:37, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>>>> As written before, in MSEgui I'll define a "bookmarkty" type, so
>>>> MSEgui users
>>>> have "bookmarkty" in order to avoid the warning. FPC and Lazarus
>>>> probably
>>>> can't do the same because of Delphi compatibility. Suggestion:
>>>> remove "deprecated" from TBookmarkStr in fixes_2_6.
>>> Well, I think it is better to warn people of a coming change.
>>> So I have added a description that warns people that it will disappear
>>> in 2.6.3.
>> For users who do not want to see the "deprecated" warnings in fixes_2_6 do
>> In MSEide+MSEgui:
>> Use "bookmarkty" instead of "TBookmarkStr" for bookmark variables.
>> In Lazarus:
>> Use "string" instead of "TBookmarkStr" for bookmark variables.
> This last one is bad advice, this code will break as soon as they switch to
> 2.6.3. Which, presumably, eventually they will.
> If you really want to avoid the messages, it is better to use TBookmark,
> GetBookmarkData and FreeBookmark.
> That will not generate warnings and will continue to work with 2.6.3.

Well, that was the way I chose.

> Or you can simply ignore the warnings, which is by far the easiest option.
> I can't believe people are making such fuss over a couple of warnings.
> Michael.

The problem, for me, would be break the sources in production.
If GetBookmarkData and FreeBookmark will continue work so, that is
what I will use.

Marcos Douglas

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