[fpc-devel] Class field reordering

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizmed at oi.com.br
Thu Jul 19 05:13:01 CEST 2012

Em 18/7/2012 03:19, Martin Schreiber escreveu:
> Thank you. There are more items in the db.pas list...
> But I think first we should concentrate on classes.pas because I really don't
> want to fork it. Forking db.pas is less problematic and I probably prefer it
> in place of an endless discussion and in my eyes not optimal solutions. With
> a forked db.pas I can eliminate the many workarounds I already had to
> implement.
> Currently needed crackerclasses by MSEide+MSEgui:

I also have somethings in fpc rtl/fcl that also don't like or changing 
would simplify my work. But if we start to change base classes at each 
developer request we may end with a mess.
Just to be clear, i'm not against all changes. Some specific points can 
be changed at  careful examination (like devs are already doing)

BTW: some time ago you pointed  in a fpc list that will not use trunk 
because of encoding aware strings, so you don't need to worry because 
the trunk changes won't affect you anyway


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