[fpc-devel] Interface: Method resolution clauses

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Mon Apr 30 17:06:50 CEST 2012


Can I, using FPC trunk, do this sintaxe?

  TMemoryManager = class(TInterfacedObject, IMalloc, IErrorInfo)
     function IMalloc.Alloc = Allocate;
     procedure IMalloc.Free = Deallocate;

I'm using 2.6.1 and do not works.

>From Dephi's (7) help:
"You can override the default name-based mappings by including method
resolution clauses in a class declaration. When a class implements two
or more interfaces that have identically named methods, use method
resolution clauses to resolve the naming conflicts.

A method resolution clause has the form

procedure interface.interfaceMethod = implementingMethod;


function interface.interfaceMethod = implementingMethod;

where implementingMethod is a method declared in the class or one of
its ancestors. The implementingMethod can be a method declared later
in the class declaration, but cannot be a private method of an
ancestor class declared in another module.

For example, the class declaration

  TMemoryManager = class(TInterfacedObject, IMalloc, IErrorInfo)
function IMalloc.Alloc = Allocate;
procedure IMalloc.Free = Deallocate;

maps IMalloc's Alloc and Free methods onto TMemoryManager's Allocate
and Deallocate methods.

A method resolution clause cannot alter a mapping introduced by an
ancestor class."


Marcos Douglas

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