[fpc-devel] Breaking change in FPC 2.6.1

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Tue Apr 24 23:18:04 CEST 2012

In our previous episode, Marcos Douglas said:
> > every assignment of TDataset.Bookmark to a variable.
> > As intended too?
> This broke the ZEOS 6.6.6-stable and 7.0.0-alpha too (patch to zeos 7
> in attachment for somebody want).

zeoslib_testing (7 trunk) has a "have_tbookmark" define to handle it, and it was
already prepared for these (and the recordbuffer) changes:

{$IF FPC_FULLVERSION>20600} // will be introduced in 2.6.2 (and up to date
    {$DEFINE WITH_TBOOKMARK}              // Have TBookmark

ZEOS 6.6.6 stable was already broken on 2.6.0 anyway due to the "constref"

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