[fpc-devel] Unicode support (yet again)

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Tue Sep 13 21:25:18 CEST 2011

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 4:05 PM, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
<felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Following from a discussion on mac-pascal, I'd like to propose a
> solution for Unicode support.
> I know that hundreds of messages were already spent on the topic, but
> was there any conclusion in the end?
> Basically I think that we could support both choices (utf-8 and
> unicode string or whatever it is called) by duplicating methods,
> procedures and TStrings.
> We could change:
> Function FileOpen (Const FileName : string; Mode : Integer) : THandle;
> into
> Function FileOpen (Const FileName : utf8string; Mode : Integer) :
> THandle; overload;
> Function FileOpen (Const FileName : unicodestring; Mode : Integer) :
> THandle; overload;
> and similarly for other places and everyone should be happy. One of
> the versions could be the real one and the other could use a
> conversion. Each platform could decide for itself which is the real
> version, so it would avoid unnecessary conversions.
> It is not really that different from what Delphi did. They changed:
> Function FileOpen (Const FileName : string; Mode : Integer) : THandle;
> into: Function FileOpen (Const FileName : unicodestring; Mode :
> Integer) : THandle;
> We just support 1 more option.
> The ansi version I would simply let it die. It's time people migrate
> to Unicode anyway. The change from ansi to utf-8 is very easy.
> TStrings seams a special case, because any implementation which
> supports both will be extremely inefficient, so for it I propose
> having 2 classes:
> TStrings (for utf-8)
> TWideStrings (for delphi-style)
> For all others I think just overloading some methods should be fine.
> Of course it is not a perfect solution, but I am convinced that there
> is no perfect solution here.

Graeme Geldenhuys, sometime, written that string type shoud be
depended of plataform. I agree with him, but I don't know if this is
the easiest way... but this is be best way to codify our programs,
don't you think?

Marcos Douglas

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