DocView features (Was: Re: fpdoc extension: embed topic [Re: [fpc-devel] FPDoc sources])

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at
Thu Sep 1 14:53:30 CEST 2011

On 01/09/2011, Tomas Hajny wrote:
> Graeme, have you managed to move forward with supporting INF files
> requiring multi-panel views (as used in files from IBM) as discussed some
> time ago?

Yes, I have a offline branch that works somewhat with that. The
implementation is not very good because fpGUI doesn't support a MDI
interface yet. So I had to achieve the same effect using non-modal
popup windows. I don't really like this solution, so would rather
implement MDI support first, before DocView gets further attention
regarding multi-window INF files.

It the mean time, DocView has received a lot of other attention. The
RichView component, used to display the help content, has gained a
speed increase of some 10-20 times faster that before. Memory usage
has dropped by around 50%, I improved text wrapping and painting,
corrected scrollbar synchronization, as well as some memory leak fixes
have been applied.

At the moment I'm readying the 0.8 release of fpGUI, which should
happen over the weekend. Then work can begin on MDI and MiG Layout
Manager support, which are scheduled for the 0.9 release early next

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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