[fpc-devel] cvarutil: convert variant array of bytes into ansistring ?

LacaK lacak at zoznam.sk
Fri Oct 21 11:47:24 CEST 2011

I am now working on fcl-db TBinaryField, which has Value: Variant property.
As I understand documentation, this variant should be returned as 
variant array of bytes.

Later when are assigning values of fields into params also this variant 
array is copied (into TParam).

But when I want/need read parameter value as string (binary string) then 
"variant convert error" occurs.
It is because in cvarutil.inc in Function VariantToAnsiString(const 
VargSrc : TVarData) is not supported conversion from variant array into 

So my question is if it is acceptable to add there support for 
converting byte array to string ?
Something like attached diff.

Please let me know, if this can be accepted/applied ?
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