[fpc-devel] OpenBSD compiler

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Tue Oct 11 11:02:56 CEST 2011

In our previous episode, Pierre Free Pascal said:
> You were right, it didn't help much:
> http://www.freepascal.org/testsuite/cgi-bin/testsuite.cgi?os=7&cpu=8&version
> =0&date=&submitter=&machine=&comment=&cond=
> > 2) Did you test with elf binwriter ?
>   It took me a long time to understand the problem, but I think
> I found it now:

With the binwriter I meant not using external as/ld. I hope it will make the
VM runs go a bit faster (they are well over an hour now)

> OpenBSD ld seems to do nonsense if you do not explicitly
> give him a dynamic loader
> it inserted /usr/lib/libc.so.1 as the dynamic loader...
> Adding an explicit -FL/usr/libexec/ld.so seems to allow
> at least tests/test/cg/tprinf to run successfully.
>   I will commit a fix setting a default dynamic linker for OpenBSD 
> if this improves the results significantly!

I did a run last night and it stumbled on missing "bsd" unit, which holds
the kqueue implementation that lnet needs. I quickchecked headers, and it
seems to be mostly there in openbsd (give or take two constants) so I
enabled it.

However the next run failed on an error in a script, so I don't know where
it gets stuck now. I'll be home after noon, working at home the rest of the
day, and then do some more runs.

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