[fpc-devel] Building trunk on Win32

Pierre Free Pascal pierre at freepascal.org
Fri Nov 25 22:40:55 CET 2011

I tired to reproduce your problem starting from release 2.4.4 compiler,

but got no error.

Then I tried to find where error code 226 could be generated:

it is in rtl/win/systhrd.inc

function SysAllocateThreadVars most probably because your system returned
nil for 

a LocalAlloc call.


Could you test by only doing a make cycle at compiler level?


Pierre Muller


De : fpc-devel-bounces at lists.freepascal.org
[mailto:fpc-devel-bounces at lists.freepascal.org] De la part de Leonardo M.
Envoyé : vendredi 25 novembre 2011 22:01
À : FPC developers' list
Objet : [fpc-devel] Building trunk on Win32


Hi, I'm trying to build the latest svn trunk on a Win32 machine. 


e:\FPC-bin\bin\i386-win32\make.exe PP=e:\fpc-bin\bin\i386-win32\ppc386.exe


Where e:\fpc-bin\bin\i386-win32\ppc386.exe is this revision:



Free Pascal Compiler version 2.4.4 [2011/04/23] for i386

Copyright (c) 1993-2010 by Florian Klaempfl


I don't remember but I think it was downloaded from
http://www.freepascal.org/down/i386/win32-ftp.freepascal.org.var, so I think
it's a stable version.


Anyway, the results of my make are this:


fmtbcd.pp(2598,49) Warning: Symbol "CurrencyString" is deprecated

fmtbcd.pp(2599,44) Warning: Symbol "CurrencyString" is deprecated

fmtbcd.pp(3844,52) Warning: Implicit string type conversion with potential

loss from "WideString" to "AnsiString"

fmtbcd.pp(3845,33) Warning: Implicit string type conversion with potential

loss from "UnicodeString" to "AnsiString"

E:/fpc/compiler/ppc2.exe -Ur -Xs -O2 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -Fi../win -FE.

:/fpc/rtl/units/i386-win32 -di386 -dRELEASE ../inc/macpas.pp

make.exe[7]: *** [macpas.ppu] Error 226

make.exe[7]: Leaving directory `E:/fpc/rtl/win32'

make.exe[6]: *** [win32_all] Error 2

make.exe[6]: Leaving directory `E:/fpc/rtl'

make.exe[5]: *** [rtl] Error 2

make.exe[5]: Leaving directory `E:/fpc/compiler'

make.exe[4]: *** [next] Error 2

make.exe[4]: Leaving directory `E:/fpc/compiler'

make.exe[3]: *** [ppc3.exe] Error 2

make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `E:/fpc/compiler'

make.exe[2]: *** [cycle] Error 2

make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `E:/fpc/compiler'

make.exe[1]: *** [compiler_cycle] Error 2

make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `E:/fpc'

e:\FPC-bin\bin\i386-win32\make.exe: *** [build-stamp.i386-win32] Error 2  


How can I fix this?.


Leonardo M. Ramé

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