[fpc-devel] Updated FPC JVM snapshot

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Mon Nov 7 14:57:29 CET 2011

On 07 Nov 2011, at 13:46, michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be wrote:

> On Mon, 7 Nov 2011, Jonas Maebe wrote:
>> Yes (once THandle is added to the JVM RTL and it is defined to  
>> Pointer or JLObject, at least :). It's generally a PrintStream: http://download.oracle.com/javase/1,5.0/docs/api/java/lang/System.html#out
> Do you have a preference for either of them ?

No, it doesn't matter. Pointer is probably more in line with the rest  
of the source code. As far as the compiler is concerned, they're the  
same thing.

>> There is however some functionality (e.g. writestr with ansistring)  
>> that uses the UserData byte array to store a pointer, which won't  
>> work on the JVM target. Some extra classes will also have to be  
>> moved from the jdk15 unit to the system unit to implement the  
>> functionality.
> That brings me to my second question/remark: (which I had already  
> prepared before sending my first mail ;) ):
> It would be easier if the system unit could depend on jdk15 in the
> implementation section.
> However, this is something that FPC never has been able to do, while  
> Delphi can. It would be good if FPC could do the same, it would make  
> some system units easier to manage. (in casu: the Java one)

Well, in that case we could just get rid of the jdk15 unit altogether  
and put everything directly in the system unit. The main reason I  
didn't do that is because it makes loading the system unit slower due  
to the tons of definitions (otoh, most "real" programs will probably  
use the jdk15 unit one way or another anyway). It's true that the  
downside is that occasionally definitions have to be moved from the  
jdk15 unit to the system unit.


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