[fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.4.4 - Delphi 7

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon May 30 14:30:44 CEST 2011


 Martin Schreiber <mse00000 at gmail.com> hat am 30. Mai 2011 um 13:59 geschrieben:

 > Am Montag 30 Mai 2011, 13:21:39 schrieb Mattias Gaertner:
 > >
 > > Do you know, how much is compiling and how much is linking?
 > > 
 > Linking is 3..4 seconds. 
So, the Linker takes almost the time Delphi needs for everything?

 > >  How to compile for Linux? Is there something like a fpmake.pp or Makefile?
 > > I can't find it in the README.txt.
 > >
 > MSEide on linux can be compiled with
 > "
 > ppc386 -Fulib/common/* -Fulib/common/kernel/i386-linux -Filib/common/kernel
 > apps/ide/mseide.pas
 > "
 Thanks. Can this be added to the README.txt?
 It's not the first time I searched this.

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