[fpc-devel] Macro Processing

Joerg Schuelke joerg.schuelke at gmx.de
Sun May 15 20:22:08 CEST 2011

Am Sun, 15 May 2011 20:06:02 +0200
schrieb Jonas Maebe <jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be>:

> Those three ways also have data overhead, because you have to store
> the string representation somewhere. Whether this initialised data is
> part of a predefined format called "RTTI" or not does not change that.

Good point, but sorry, this is an proof that the macro approach is more

The RTTI feature can the data only give in one format, say it delivers
them as pchar to you. And I have shortstrings in my list.
The format the data is retrieved by the rtti decides how I have to
store it if you want to prevent the double storage of the data.


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