[fpc-devel] Declare variables inside the code

Joerg Schuelke joerg.schuelke at gmx.de
Wed May 11 15:22:41 CEST 2011

Am Wed, 11 May 2011 15:08:45 +0200
schrieb Jonas Maebe <jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be>:

> I don't use any kind of automatic code generation/writing  
> functionality of any IDE or editor (and I edit the FPC compiler  
> sources with Lazarus, Text Wrangler, vim and nano depending on what  
> I'm doing or how I'm logged in). At least I guess that's what your  
> reply is referring to, because otherwise I'm not sure how it's
> related to your earlier statement of "where is the debugging macro
> used inside the whole compiler sources?"

Sorry Jonas,
thats my bad English. Some days ago I had a macro related question.
About the expansion of build-in macros. And it turned out that macro is
some kind of step child.
The answer I got was use IDE-macros instead.

Would not it be helpful to leave the debugging code in the source, and
let him vanish through a conditional define?

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