[fpc-devel] Declare variables inside the code

Joerg Schuelke joerg.schuelke at gmx.de
Tue May 10 19:25:39 CEST 2011

Am Tue, 10 May 2011 13:26:59 -0300
schrieb "kingbizugo at gmail.com" <kingbizugo at gmail.com>:

> *Good:* fast algorithm testings, code creating
> *Bad?:* not a standard of the pascal language

Thats a bad idea. It is completely against the basic structure of
pascal. Other Languages have other paradigms.

For example C++. There is no distinction between declaration and
statement in C++.
The declaration is a statement. But not so in pascal.

If you change this, it is all about to be changed and you get a C++
with pascal-reserved words. Thats ugly.

Thats useless.

Best regards

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