[fpc-devel] (class) helper questions

Florian Klaempfl florian at freepascal.org
Wed Mar 9 11:18:56 CET 2011

Am 09.03.2011 09:19, schrieb Sven Barth:
> Am 09.03.2011 08:39, schrieb Florian Klaempfl:
>> Am 09.03.2011 02:17, schrieb Paul Ishenin:
>>>> 4. The syntax that was introduced by Borland is not very pascalish
>>>> in my
>>>> opinion. So I'd like to change the syntax for mode ObjFPC a bit (sadly
>>>> this won't simplify the parser anymore because of the Delphi
>>>> compatibility).
>>>> Delphi syntax:
>>>> TypeIdentifier = class|record helper(ParentHelper) for ExtendedType
>>>> Proposed FPC syntax:
>>>> TypeIdentifier = helper(ParentHelper) for class|record ExtendedType
>>>> What do you think? Maybe also the "class|record" part can be left out,
>>>> because this part is not saved in the objectdef and can be
>>>> determined by
>>>> the compiler automatically.
>>> I always think that if there is no need to create an incompatibility -
>>> better to not create it.
>> For me it's one of the "implementor decides" cases :)
> Hehe *evil laughter*
> Fun aside...
> As you are one of the Devs who see a clean Object Pascal as a good thing
> to go for (I do as well), what syntax would you choose if you'd be the
> one to implement helper types 

Problem is: I never used class helpers, I even don't understand their
real use, so I'am not the right person to choose :) Regardless of this,
the second solution looks indeed more pascalish because it is determined
as early as possible that now a class helper is following.

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