wrong detection of inUnix ?? [Re: [fpc-devel] fcl-WEB build broken]

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Fri Jun 10 22:54:47 CEST 2011

On 10 Jun 2011, at 22:44, Martin wrote:

> Ok, so I started changing the makefile, to see why patsep goes wrong
> Right on top of the makefile:
> ifeq ($(findstring ;,$(PATH)),)
> inUnix=1
> SEARCHPATH:=$(filter-out .,$(subst :, ,$(PATH)))
> if I change it to
> inUnixXX=1
> then it works
> so it seems that this test, reports my windows system as unix?
> $(PATH) => is that the environment?
> here is my PATH
> PATH=C:\FPC\SVN\trunk_build
> I removed all the other stuff from it, trunk_build has all that is needed. So there is no inteference from any other installed product...

Removing all stuff from it is what is causing the problem. The OS detection is based on checking whether or not the PATH contains a semicolon. If it doesn't, we assume it's Unix (it has always worked like that).


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