[fpc-devel] Makeskel errors on Windows

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Sat Dec 10 19:33:19 CET 2011

Michael Van Canneyt schrieb:

>> The LCL problem is not related to new syntax, all units parse without 
>> errors. But document creation crashes on screen.inc
>>  FontEnumProc = function (var ELogFont:TEnumLogFont; var 
>> Metric:TNewTextMetric;
>>    FontType:longint; Data:LParam):longint; extdecl;
> What exactly goes wrong ? It parses it just fine in a test environment, 
> I just tested ?

Yes, parsing works, but when I create the docs I get:

//my added debug messages
Now creating \AllDocs\lcl\lcltype\fontenumproc.html
Error Element.Args FontEnumProc

exception at 00420365:
Access violation.


Even with rev. 19802 :-(


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