[fpc-devel] Makeskel errors on Windows

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Fri Dec 9 22:46:09 CET 2011

On Fri, 9 Dec 2011, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

> I only revealed several inconsistencies with the generation of the RTL
> documentation on a Windows system. Currently it looks as if it is a bad
> idea to generate the documentation in a platform-dependent way at all.

So it seems.

> The addition of the win and win32 includes IMO was not a good decision,
> instead the parser should use the Linux target (as you assume) instead
> of the actual platform.

I don't think the parser is the problem.

> To reduce further discussion, I'd suggest that you provide the fpdoc
> project(s) that create identical output on all platforms.

To my knowledge, there is no such project.

> Then we can
> concentrate on the remaining missing links, like "Power", and delegate
> the resolution of problems resulting from modified projects to the
> creators/maintainers of these projects.
> This could be understood as "hang on the LCL documentation for the rest
> of your life, and don't bother the FPC developers any more" ;-)

No, I meant:

Documenting is a huge task. I suggest you stick to LCL routines without
getting lost in things like the windows API. Documenting the LCL is a 
monumental task in itself, and whether or not a certain windows specific 
structure is documented is in my opinion not so relevant. So, I suggest
you stick to the various components available in the LCL, it will be 
of much more aid to people than the discussions we are having now. 
At least that is my belief, feel free to disagree.

If there are any technical problems with FPDoc, then I will try to solve them.
I am working on support for the new compiler features, such as nested 
types and type helpers and such. They are needed to parse the classes 
unit in trunk.


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