[fpc-devel] Makeskel errors on Windows

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Fri Dec 9 10:38:29 CET 2011

On Fri, 9 Dec 2011, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

> Makeskel expects another(?) semicolon after win\wininc\func.inc:
> function GetRandomRgn(aHDC: HDC; aHRGN: HRGN; iNum: WINT): WINT; stdcall; 
> external 'gdi32';
> function ...
> Perhaps it cannot parse the "external" directive?
> FPDoc seems to suffer from the same problem, it creates an all-empty 
> description for windows.pp.

I will look into this.

> Workaround: exclude "func.inc" from the include file list in windows.pp:
> {$IFNDEF fpdocsystem}
>  {$i func.inc}
> {$ENDIF}
> Then windows.pp can be added to the rtl project, and is documented by fpdoc. 
> No content so far, of course.

And as long as it is not 100% documented, it will not be added.
In other words, the windows unit will probably never make it in the official docs.

I do not think it makes any sense to do so anyway. The windows API is best 
documented on MSDN; You'd be far better off finding a system that links to 
MSDN as soon as F1 is pressed on a windows unit identifier. 
Empty documentation is of no use to anyone.


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