[fpc-devel] FPDoc parser doesn't handle forward declarations properly?

michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
Thu Dec 8 13:34:51 CET 2011

On Thu, 8 Dec 2011, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

> michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be schrieb:
>>>> Does there exist a chance (trick) to use the input files of a different
>>>> installation, without copying the description files?
>>> If you use the make command to generate the docs, simply pass the
>>> FPCSRCDIR command line parameter.
>>>  eg:     make rtl.chk fcl.chk FPCSRCDIR=/opt/fpc_2.4.5/src/
>> That's correct, but AFAIK, he uses a private description file.
> Right. I didn't test what fpdoc stores in the new project file when invoked 
> with such a commandline, and whether it could be substituted by --input-dir 
> (most probably not).
> Since the document sources reside in their own repository, I simply move 
> around that directory on my system, for now.
> Currently the following steps are required to build the project file and the 
> docs:
> 1. make <whatever> -n > mydocs.bat
> 2. edit mydocs.bat to make fpdoc create an project file
> 3. mydocs.bat
> 4. edit the mydocs.xml project as required
> 5. fpdoc mydocs.xml
> 2+3 could be omitted, when fpdoc would automatically create a project.

Or if the documentation is created from projectfile directly, which is the


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