[fpc-devel] another make install issue

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Aug 30 12:04:31 CEST 2011

On 30/08/2011 10:53, Jeppe Græsdal Johansen wrote:
> Den 30-08-2011 11:49, Martin skrev:
>> The following line to install fpc used to work:
>> make.exe install  INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\FPC\trunk\  COPYTREE=echo 
>> UPXPROG=echo
>> But now leads to:
>> .\fpmake.exe install --localunitdir=../.. --globalunitdir=.. 
>> --os=win32 --cpu=i386 -o -Ur -o -Xs -o -O2 -o -n -o 
>> -FuC:/FPC/SVN/trunc/rtl/units/i386-win32 -o 
>> -FuC:/FPC/SVN/trunc/packages/hash/units/i386-win32 -o 
>> -FuC:/FPC/SVN/trunc/packages/paszlib/units/i386-win32 -o 
>> -FuC:/FPC/SVN/trunc/packages/fcl-process/units/i386-win32 -o 
>> -FuC:/FPC/SVN/trunc/packages/fpmkunit/units/i386-win32 -o -FE. -o 
>> -FUunits/i386-win32 -o -di386 -o -dRELEASE 
>> --compiler=C:/FPC/SVN/trunc/compiler/ppc386.exe 
>> --prefix=c:\FPC\trunk\  
>> --unitinstalldir=c:\FPC\trunk\/units/i386-win32/fcl-base -ie
>> The installer encountered the following error:
>> Failed to create directory "c:\FPC\trunk \bin\"
>> It appears that 2 issu8es play together.
>> 1) the windows path delim is not translated
>> 2) the \ followed by a space is interpreted as escaped space, and 
>> included in the path
>> I will try without the trailing \ But imho that shouldn't fail, it's 
>> a perfectly legal path (afaik)
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> Try
> make.exe install  INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\\FPC\\trunk  COPYTREE=echo 
> UPXPROG=echo
> It's a perfectly legal and valid path, but you've forgotten that make 
> is a tool made mostly by C-programmers ;)

It's nothing to do with C or whatever language. It's to do with unix vs 
win. But it does not even appear to be a make issue, it's fpmake that 
has an issue

And INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\FPC\trunk (no trailing \) seems to work just fine

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