[fpc-devel] FPC-JVM: Breaking up a cycle

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Sun Aug 28 21:59:32 CEST 2011

>> While we're at it: for one class (android.os.FileObserver, see here: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/FileObserver.html ) it generated the following:
>> === source begin ===
>>   public
>>     procedure<init>_(para1: JLString); overload; virtual;
>>     procedure<init>_(para1: JLString; para2: jint); overload; virtual;
>> === source end ===
>> These should be constructers, shouldn't they? Other constructors (even with parameters) were converted correctly.
> What happens if you use "javap" to print that class rather than javapp? So
>    javap -classpath android.jar android.os.FileObserver

Here it is:

=== output begin ===

Compiled from "FileObserver.java"
public abstract class android.os.FileObserver extends java.lang.Object{
     public static final int ACCESS;
     public static final int MODIFY;
     public static final int ATTRIB;
     public static final int CLOSE_WRITE;
     public static final int CLOSE_NOWRITE;
     public static final int OPEN;
     public static final int MOVED_FROM;
     public static final int MOVED_TO;
     public static final int CREATE;
     public static final int DELETE;
     public static final int DELETE_SELF;
     public static final int MOVE_SELF;
     public static final int ALL_EVENTS;
     public android.os.FileObserver(java.lang.String);
     public android.os.FileObserver(java.lang.String, int);
     protected void finalize();
     public void startWatching();
     public void stopWatching();
     public abstract void onEvent(int, java.lang.String);

=== output end ===

>> Besides this javapp is a invaluable tool for Pascal developers :D
> It was to be expected that it wouldn't work perfectly for everything immediately :)

But it works good enough to convert most of the Android SDK without to 
big problems :)


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