[fpc-devel] fpc fails to link against libc on some architectures due to multiarch

peter green plugwash at p10link.net
Fri Aug 19 22:24:54 CEST 2011

tags 636802 +patch

Note: jonas's reply was only posted to fpc-devel, not to the debian bug 
report , a copy can be found at 

Jonas Maebe wrote:
> Is there a standard for multiarch library path locations and names? 
Multiarch seems to be a debian/ubuntu creation. Debian and ubuntu seem 
to be consistent at least on i386 and amd64. I'm not sure what the 
situation is with arm ports of ubuntu (note that multiarch triplets are 
supposed to represent an ABI so two arm ports with incompatible ABIs are 
supposed to have different multiarch triplets).
> If not, that sounds like configuration option that should be added by distribution-specific patches. 
I've attatched a patch to debian/rules to add the multiarch path to the 
configuration installed by the debian package.
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