[fpc-devel] Trying to add "sky" target based on "arm" target. Internal error 2004121202

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Sat Apr 23 10:41:45 CEST 2011

Skybuck Flying schrieb:

> I copied "arm" folder to "sky" folder to try and use it as basis for 
> adding a new target to free pascal.

Okay, so far.

> Fatal: Internal error 2004121202
> Fatal: Compilation aborted
> "
> Now I am wondering what the number behind the internal error means ?

It's error #02 hunted at 2004-12-12.

> 2. The "sky" rtl is missing ?!?

I won't explain it again, you seem not to read what others write :-(


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