[fpc-devel] make error in fcl-web

Martin fpc at mfriebe.de
Tue Apr 5 14:35:52 CEST 2011

On 05/04/2011 09:24, Joost van der Sluis wrote:
> On Sun, 2011-04-03 at 21:11 +0100, Martin wrote:
>> On 03/04/2011 20:59, Martin wrote:
>>> On 03/04/2011 20:50, Martin wrote:
>>>> (w32 / vista)
>>>> I tried to recompile fpc trunk, it starts up fine, until it comes to
>>>> fcl-web. I copied the last lines of output to the end of the mail
>>>> Not sure about the exact make command that was running, since they
>>>> come from a batch file, but probably the 2nd line:
>>>> make.exe clean distclean
>>>> make.exe all   LINKSMART=1  CREATESMART=1  OPTIMIZE=1  OPT="-gl -O3
>>>> FPC=c:\FPC\SVN\ppc386_2_4_2.exe
>>>> make.exe install  INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\FPC\trunk\  COPYTREE=echo
>>>> UPXPROG=echo
>>>> Found this in svn, and will try with the revision before...
>>>> Revision: 17223
>>>> Author: joost
>>>> Date: 14:33:56, 02 April 2011
>>>> Message:
>>>>   * Let the makefile create the unit output dir when fpmake.pp is not
>>>> compiled yet
>>>> ----
>>>> Modified : /trunk/packages/fcl-web/Makefile
>>>> Modified : /trunk/packages/fcl-web/Makefile.fpc
>>> no difference, same error
>> just some more info.
>> after trying (and getting the error) to compile with rev 17222, I went
>> to the director (to rename the old makefile).
>> There is a fpmake.exe, with todays date, and a 3 minute old timestamp.
>> I do not know if that was created by this attempt, or by the previous
>> attempt (that was with includign the above revision)
> Are you doing a cross-compilation? In that case the fpmake.exe is
> probably build for the target you were compiling for.

No i didn't cross compile.. just my usual windows vita 32 bit ...

it failed in the "make all" with the params given above

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