[fpc-devel] FPC/Lazarus Rebuild performance

Martin Schreiber mse00000 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 12 08:21:00 CEST 2010

  Am 12.09.2010 00:20, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
> Now this is weird! Anybody else spotted the difference? Delphi seems
> to compile +-28000 lines less that FPC! Florian, I presume it's the
> same machine with the same MSEgui source code revision? What would be
> the reason for that?
> Would that (lines compiled) also account for the huge difference in
> "bytes data". What is the final executable size (not that this matters
> much to me) generated by the two compilers?
> Martin, do you get the same results for "lines compiled"?
MSEide Delphi version has no DB components. In order to switch off non 
Delphi components in FPC mode some defines must be set.
This is with MSEide+MSEgui SVN trunk rev.3910:

280496 lines, 4.49 seconds, 2127360 bytes code, 752073 bytes data.
12.09.2010  07:01            3'129'856 mseide.exe

FPC 2.4.0:
281604 lines compiled, 40.2 sec , 2136496 bytes code, 1541192 bytes data
12.09.2010  07:09            3'687'228 mseidefp.exe

FPC 2.4.0 with debug info:
281604 lines compiled, 54.4 sec , 2142896 bytes code, 1541336 bytes data
12.09.2010  07:16           41'759'691 mseidefp.exe

Commandline Delphi:
dcc32 -B -I..\..\lib\common\kernel -U..\..\lib\common\kernel 
-U..\..\lib\common\kernel\i386-win32 -U..\..\lib\common\image 
-U..\..\lib\common\widgets -U..\..\lib\common\designutils 
-U..\..\lib\common\sysutils -U..\..\lib\common\editwidgets 
-U..\..\lib\common\dialogs -U..\..\lib\common\regcomponents 
-U..\..\lib\common\serialcomm -U..\..\lib\common\printer 
-U..\..\lib\common\ifi -U..\..\lib\common\math -dmse_no_db 
-dmse_no_opengl mseide.pas

Commandline FPC:
ppc386.exe -O2 -CX -XX -Xs -B -I..\..\lib\common\kernel 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\kernel -Fu..\..\lib\common\kernel\i386-win32 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\image -Fu..\..\lib\common\widgets 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\designutils -Fu..\..\lib\common\sysutils 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\editwidgets -Fu..\..\lib\common\dialogs 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\regcomponents -Fu..\..\lib\common\serialcomm 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\printer -Fu..\..\lib\common\ifi 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\math -dmse_no_db -dmse_no_opengl -omseidefp.exe 

Commandline FPC with ddebug info:
ppc386.exe -O2 -CX -XX -gl -B -I..\..\lib\common\kernel 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\kernel -Fu..\..\lib\common\kernel\i386-win32 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\image -Fu..\..\lib\common\widgets 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\designutils -Fu..\..\lib\common\sysutils 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\editwidgets -Fu..\..\lib\common\dialogs 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\regcomponents -Fu..\..\lib\common\serialcomm 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\printer -Fu..\..\lib\common\ifi 
-Fu..\..\lib\common\math -dmse_no_db -dmse_no_opengl -omseidefp.exe 


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