[fpc-devel] Status of Delphi-like packages (Class+RTTI aware DLL/SO)?

Dimitri Smits smitco at telenet.be
Thu Sep 9 13:27:49 CEST 2010

----- "Willibald Krenn" <Willibald.Krenn at gmx.at> schreef:

> Hi!
> Please forgive my ignorance on this topic, but I'd like to know
> whether someone is working on adding Delphi-like packages to FPC. (At
> least for the windows/linux platforms.) Somehow the lack of this
> feature always has stopped me from using fpc/lazarus: For a change, I
> am thinking of contributing to the efforts unless - of course - the
> feature's already in the works :).
> Cheers,
>  Willi
> P.S.: Way back in time, I did some "investigation" on the Delphi (6)
> name mangling, see http://edn.embarcadero.com/article/27758 (german
> only).

aparantly you beat me to it, but I was planning on compiling a mail like this one later today (at home).

Besides you (an me), is there anyone else interested in implementing this? My angle (besides from the obvious dynamic pluginsystem vs "the lazarus/*nix FOSS way" aka rebuild everything when you want something included) is that there are some additions to RTTI that need to be done as well regarding packages, units en the relationships with current RTTI and startup-initialization.

I would be nice to know who wrote/compiled the packages page in the fpc wiki and to get in contact with ppl that want to discuss/implement "delphi packages".

kind regards,
Dimitri Smits

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