[fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

Mattias Gärtner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Oct 8 14:44:33 CEST 2010

Zitat von José Mejuto <joshyfun at gmail.com>:

> Hello FPC,
> Friday, October 8, 2010, 1:41:39 PM, you wrote:
>>> Creation order
>>> --------------
>>> 1) Create main form
> MS>  application.createform() or t*form.create()
>>> 2) Create data module
> MS>  application.createdatamodule();
>>> 3) Wait in main form for user input
>>> 4) Create second form
> MS>  application.createform() or t*form.create()
> MS> Such a scenario works in MSEgui.
> ------------
> Application.Initialize;
> Application.CreateForm(TfrmWorkbench, frmWorkbench);
> Application.CreateForm(TdmCharting, dmCharting);
> Application.Run;
> ------------
> ------------
> procedure TfrmWorkbench.BitBtn5Click(Sender: TObject);
> var
>   r: TfrmReportByFile;
> begin
>   Application.CreateForm(TfrmReportByFile,r);
>   r.Show;
> end;
> ------------
> Does not work in Lazarus almost up to date SVN, and fpc 2.5.1 July
> 2010

Please provide an example.
Either you are misusing the sql components or there is a bug in the  
sql components.

> But if my memory serves me, it does not work at least since Lazarus
> 0.9.26 and the related fpc version.
> I had not reported it before because I think that the problem was the
> missing datamodules, so I converted everything to use datamodules, but
> the problem remains.

Database components should work independent of the owner class.


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