[fpc-devel] bug report 12594

ABorka fpc-devel at aborka.com
Wed Mar 31 07:22:22 CEST 2010

It seems it got closed, but I'm not sure it is really fixed (can't add 
notes now).

In D5 the DFM files are something like this with bitbuttons:
   object BitBtn1: TBitBtn
     Left = 96
     Top = 52
     Width = 75
     Height = 25
     TabOrder = 1
     Kind = bkOK
   object BitBtn2: TBitBtn
     Left = 176
     Top = 52
     Width = 75
     Height = 25
     TabOrder = 2
     Kind = bkCancel
Because the "Caption" and "Modalresult" properties were not specified in 
there, the converter did not add them automatically for FPC using the 
"Kind" property (D5 did this automatically it seems).
bkOK -> Caption = "OK" and Modalresult = 1
blCancel -> Caption = "Cancel" and modalresult = 2

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