[fpc-devel] no break and stepping if ctheads is used (Lazarus)

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 14:29:50 CET 2010

Michael Schnell het geskryf:
> I don't think so. I just created a new "Program" to do these projects.
> I'll check if I find the "terminal" options somewhere. But OTOH,
> starting the "Program" with F7 just takes me to the "begin" line, as
> it's supposed to.

I'm pretty sure it is a Lazarus IDE issue - console apps with Lazarus IDE
is problematic. Alternatively try MSEide, it has a built-in terminal type
window to display output, so gets around the problem of debugging console

>> Try debugging from the command line using GDB directly.
> I never used the command line GDB with a Lazarus program yet. I'll try
> to do that and come back with results,

I think the Lazarus wiki has a tutorial on this.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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