[fpc-devel] Armel problems

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Fri Jun 11 09:43:00 CEST 2010

On 06/10/2010 10:30 PM, Den Jean wrote:
> thanks to the fpc arm fix of Jonas, fpc is now working on the Nokia N900 (arm).
> http://users.telenet.be/Jan.Van.hijfte/qtforfpc/maemo_lcl_qt4.png
> http://lists.lazarus.freepascal.org/pipermail/qt/2010-June/001547.html

Congrats !

Do I understand correctly that you can use Lazarus to cross-Compile a
project that can be loaded onto the N900 and decently run there ?

The GUI of the program is done using QT bindings ?

Is the N900 modified in any way to allow for loading and running native
Linux applications ? Do Linux command line  tools easily run on the N900 ?

The "[Qt] Draft Free Pascal Maemo binding" seems to describe how to
install QT on the N900. Correct ?

Do you think it's possible to create a new "Maemo-QT" "Widget-Type" for
Lazarus from your "intrusive" Patches (for practical reasons, the
"powers" prefer independently coded "interfaces" instead of using common
code used by multiple interfaces, so I suppose this should be quite easy
to do and viable to be integrated in the common distribution.)

Did you already test "advanced" things like TTimer, TThread,
inter-thread communication by PostMessage and "procedure...message",
external communication via channels like serial, USB, TCP/IP, ... ?

Is it possible to set up a remote debugger via TCP/IP to allow debugging
maemo applications from the Lazarus GUI ?

Thanks a lot for letting us know about this very interesting stuff !

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