[fpc-devel] XML Stream capacity

Leonardo M. Ramé martinrame at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 14 15:55:52 CET 2010

Thanks Sergey.

I tought that was why my program was stopping with an assertion in procedure TNodePool.AddExtent of dom.pp, the assertion dissapears when I work with smaller XML files.

BTW: the file worked with older versions of fcl-xml, now I'm using the trunk version because it no longer deppends on AVL_Tree, that wasn'n thread safe.

I attached the file I'm using for testing.

Leonardo M. Ramé

--- On Thu, 1/14/10, Sergei Gorelkin <sergei_gorelkin at mail.ru> wrote:

> From: Sergei Gorelkin <sergei_gorelkin at mail.ru>
> Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] XML Stream capacity
> To: "FPC developers' list" <fpc-devel at lists.freepascal.org>
> Date: Thursday, January 14, 2010, 12:51 PM
> Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:
> > I'm using fcl-xml to parse a XML data from a
> TMemoryStream/TStringStream and noted it can parse streams
> with a maximum capacity of 4096 bytes, why can't it receive
> bigger streams?.
> > 
> > The maximum capacity is defined in the constructor of
> TXMLStreamInputSource, in XMLRead.pp.
> > 
> This value has nothing to do with total possible stream
> size, it is only the size of buffer used while reading.
> The maximum size of XML data that can be read with DOM on a
> 32-bit machine is about 40 to 150 MBytes (depending on the
> data structure).
> Sergei
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