[fpc-devel] Circular references and forward declarations

Matt Emson memson.lists at googlemail.com
Wed Jan 6 16:27:22 CET 2010

Jeff Wormsley wrote:
> I would think any time you have two objects that need bidirectional 
> access of any sort that you would need to define an connector object 
> to make this link, so the data or functions that needs to be shared 
> between the two don't reside in either object, but in the connector 
> object.

The problem at the time was that the BeAPI is C++ and uses multiple 
inheritance and a lot of the kinds of forward class declarations OP was 
asking for. The guys were trying to recreate a class for class analog of 
the API, so changing the API constructs was not an option. The rational 
was that creating a "new" API would alienate Pascal coders from the 
greater BeOS development community and would mean that all of the 
documentation would be useless as reference. This is obviously an edge 
case though and a self imposed restriction.


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