[fpc-devel] Re: RFC: Delphi style class helpers
Paul Ishenin
ip at kmiac.ru
Wed Dec 22 10:00:47 CET 2010
22.12.2010 15:00, Sven Barth wrote:
> Would you please test the following:
> - identifier visibility if class helper and extended class reside in
> different units (because I can't believe that a helper can access
> private members while a derived class can't)
Class helper can access the same as derived class
> - can overloaded methods be defined? (e.g. class contains "Test(a:
> String);" and helper contains "Test(a: Integer);")
If overload is used then yes, if not then no. Look at test for more info.
> - what happens if you define a method in the helper that has the same
> name as a virtual method in the extended class (without "override" of
> course ^^)
Look at test.
> - is a class helper method used in a derived class if the derived class
> does not contain a method with the same name?
Look at test.
> - class helper and class in two different units, both containing a
> method with the same name. which method get's called if the unit with
> the class is used before the unit with the class helper in the main
> program?
Will test later.
> - can class helpers have fields and if so is their value saved somehow?
They can't.
> - can class helpers extend interfaces?
How you see this?
> - can a class helper reintroduce a virtual method from the extended class?
Best regards,
Paul Ishenin
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