[fpc-devel] Console IO revisited

Thaddy thaddy at thaddy.com
Fri Dec 3 13:38:05 CET 2010

On 3-12-2010 13:22, Thaddy wrote:





Use the CONIN$ value to specify console input.

Use the CONOUT$ value to specify console output.

CONIN$ gets a handle to the console input buffer, even if the 
function redirects the standard input handle. To get the standard input 
handle, use the *GetStdHandle* 

CONOUT$ gets a handle to the active screen buffer, even if 
the standard output handle. To get the standard output handle, use 


This behaveour is broken in FPC without intervention from the programmer 
in a very "unusual" way. (i.e. without hacks)
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