[fpc-devel] Error compiling fpc trunk after changes

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizmed at oi.com.br
Tue Apr 27 21:06:14 CEST 2010

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara escreveu:
> I added EditMask property to TField in fpc trunk. To be Delphi 
> compatible i created a type TEditMask in MaskUtils unit, so the need 
> to put MaskUtils in the uses of db.
> After trying to compile (make install) the following error occurs 
> (maskutils not found). 

Can someone apply the patch and see if compiles, so it'll be possible to 
say if the problem is in my setup or not?

This is a Delphi compatibility fix necessary to implement some features 
in Lazarus


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