[fpc-devel] time for dumping stacktrace, when using dwarf.

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at vodafonevast.nl
Tue Nov 10 12:19:56 CET 2009

Micha Nelissen schreef:
> Schatzl Thomas wrote:
>> Improving upon that should be trivial, all reading from the debug 
>> input has been encapsuled in the two ReadNext() methods in the file 
>> mentioned. It should be easy to make them to read from a (static?) 
>> buffer that is filled blockwise; note that a static buffer may give 
>> headaches for MT programs, and you are strongly discouraged to do 
>> memory allocation during crashes...
> Allocating that buffer on the stack isn't sufficient?

That's not easy when the exception is raised in case of a stack overflow.


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