[fpc-devel] fpdoc gives error on deprecated keyword

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net
Tue Jul 21 11:49:17 CEST 2009

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>>> Is fpdoc expecting a different syntax for "deprecated" keyword?
>> fpdoc also fails to generate HTML help output for that class 
>> (TVisOwnedQrySelect) and any other classes defined below it in the unit.
> This is logical, as it has encountered an error.

OK. The reason I mentioned that it did not continue to generate the HTML 
output, is because sometimes fpdoc can handle "soft errors" like syntax 
errors in the documentation, yet it still dumps the content as is to the 
HTML output.

In this case it does not do that.

> The problem is in the pparser unit: it does not recognize 'deprecated' after a 
> class type definition. This unit needs to be enhanced.

I've never worked on a pascal parser yet, but I'll try and take a stab 
at the pparser unit - if nobody else beats me to it.

> In fact, in the end it should parse a whole pascal unit, but that is a long
> term goal.

Couldn't fpdoc use the FPC parser instead of it's own?  Or are they not 
so flexible. If fpdoc could, that would mean updating one parser would 
update both FPC and fpdoc, plus no code duplication.

Then again, I could be talking rubbish - like I said, I have never 
worked on a pascal parser before. ;-)

   - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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