[fpc-devel] new resource support question

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Sat Dec 26 20:43:28 CET 2009

Giulio Bernardi wrote:
> I have no fpc available at the moment. However, you can build yourself
> the fcl-res documentation (run makehtml.sh) in xml directory, inside 
> fcl-res
> directory. There are examples for groupiconresource too.
Yes, examples are about creating an icon resource from an ico file.
> In general, if you need to use resources at runtime you should check 
> Microsoft
> documentation about resources. If you need to manipulate resources 
> (e.g. read
> a .ico file in a series of resources, or the other way around) use 
> fcl-res.
Can't find how to do this other way around using fcl-res. I have a 
resource handle and need an ico stream. At moment I implemented this 
myself in Lazarus but I would like to switch to fcl-res code if it is 
available (to reduce code duplication).

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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