[fpc-devel] new resource support question

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Fri Dec 25 17:05:58 CET 2009

Hello, FPC developers' list

I have a question regards cursor and icon resource types.

When icon resource is used in rc file it is compiled into icon group and 
several icon entries (as ico file has). Therefore each ico file is 
splitted into entries which have own resource IDs. And when we want to 
load this resource we need to load RT_GROUP_ICON + N*RT_ICON resources.

I see that fpc-res has groupiconresource unit but from the code I can't 
quickly understand what does it do (I guess it performs writing of icon 
resources). My question is whether fpc already has a code to merge icon 
data into one stream?

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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