[fpc-devel] Can someone confirm if this is a bug? (ancestor in TWRiter.WriteProperty)
lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Aug 18 04:22:53 CEST 2009
I may have mis-judged t, but the problem is still the same:
when you get to write TPersistenChild you enter the following code
ObjValue := TObject(GetObjectProp(Instance, PropInfo));
if HasAncestor then
AncestorObj := TObject(GetObjectProp(Ancestor, PropInfo));
if Assigned(AncestorObj) then
if Assigned(ObjValue) and
(TComponent(AncestorObj).Owner = FRootAncestor) and
(TComponent(ObjValue).Owner = Root) and
(UpperCase(TComponent(AncestorObj).Name) =
UpperCase(TComponent(ObjValue).Name)) then
AncestorObj := ObjValue
// else
// AncestorObj := nil;
end else
AncestorObj := nil;
TObject(GetObjectProp(Ancestor, PropInfo)); returns the TpersistentChil
as well as ObjValue being TPersistent
both get casted to TComponent with no check?
Martin wrote:
> I am not very familiar with the code, so before reporting, I'd like to
> ask:
> trunc\rtl\objpas\classes\writer.inc
> procedure TWriter.WriteProperty(Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo:
> Pointer);
> Imagine you a writing an Component, that does have an ancestor.
> The same component should have
> property Foo: TPersistentChild read FFoo write FFoo;
> You should end up in the following code: (line 1091 in recent (a few
> weeks) trunc )
> // this is the last else, it's not a component, and it is not a
> collection
> else
> begin
> SavedAncestor := Ancestor;
> SavedPropPath := FPropPath;
> try
> FPropPath := FPropPath + PPropInfo(PropInfo)^.Name + '.';
> if HasAncestor then
> Ancestor := TPersistent(GetObjectProp(Ancestor,
> PropInfo)); WriteProperties(TPersistent(ObjValue));
> finally
> Ancestor := SavedAncestor;
> FPropPath := SavedPropPath;
> end;
> end;
> --------------------------------------
> if HasAncestor then
> Ancestor := TPersistent(GetObjectProp(Ancestor,
> PropInfo));
> sets the ancestor to a persitent object
> Now if TPersistentChild itself has
> property Some: TComponent
> then you end up again in TWriter.WriteProperty writing a tclass property
> tkClass:
> begin
> ObjValue := TObject(GetObjectProp(Instance, PropInfo));
> if HasAncestor then
> begin
> AncestorObj := TObject(GetObjectProp(Ancestor, PropInfo));
> if Assigned(AncestorObj) then
> if Assigned(ObjValue) and
> (TComponent(AncestorObj).Owner = FRootAncestor) and
> (TComponent(ObjValue).Owner = Root) and
> (UpperCase(TComponent(AncestorObj).Name) =
> UpperCase(TComponent(ObjValue).Name)) then
> AncestorObj := ObjValue
> // else
> // AncestorObj := nil;
> end else
> AncestorObj := nil;
> and this code assumes that the ancestor is a TComponent, but as seen
> before, the ancestor is not.
> Shall I report a bug, or do I miss understand something?
> (is there a workaround?)
> Martin
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