[fpc-devel] patch for formatfloat when thousandseparator=#0

Jesus Reyes jesusrmx at yahoo.com.mx
Wed Apr 15 22:33:09 CEST 2009

Hi, when using clocale unit on serveral linux distros we find that ThousandSeparator=#0 and when using a format like '#,0.00 €' with a number like 1000 it ends with '1'. If thousandseparator=',' it would be formated like '1,000.00 €' it is clear that inserting a #0 in such string when separator is #0 is the problem. Attached is patch to fix it.

Related to this problem is that with clocale unit we can find monetary separator and use it if number separator=#0, this is to make it "more delphi compatible (if one is allowed to call it so)" because under windows number separator is never #0.

It may happen that monetary separator is also #0 but in this case like when the user manually set separator to #0 is handled above.

Jesus Reyes A.

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