[fpc-devel] Free Pascal V1.0.10

Michael Müller mueller_michael at nikocity.de
Tue Sep 2 07:57:12 CEST 2008


before we will start to add QNX support to the recent version of Free  
Pascal we need for an old project for the developers under Windows to  
check that our code stays V1.0.10 compilable under QNX the Windows/ 
DOS version of V1.0.10.

Several weeks ago I found it listed under http://www.freepascal.org/ 
down/old/down-ftp.freepascal.org.var but didn't make a download. Now  
it's gone. If you don't want to publish this version anymore on the  
web page it would be sufficient for us if we could get a private copy  
or temporary download possibility. For completeness it would also be  
good to get the package for QNX.

During the search for these versions I found out that all links on  
http://www.freepascal.org/down/old/down-ftp.freepascal.org.var point  
to an ftp sub folder called olddist that doesn't exists: ftp:// 
ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/olddist/. So all links are broken.



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