[fpc-devel] Unicode support - for the 20th time... ;-)

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 11:15:40 CET 2008

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:07 PM, Michael Schnell <mschnell at lumino.de> wrote:
>> Russian locale   requires a >1 byte char.
> Hmmm. We did lots of non-Unicode Delphi programs with a Russian ANSI
> variant.

Well, I have a Russian user of fpGUI. He noted quite a few issues with
FPC's locale variables and Russian language.  We had to implement our
own > 1 byte locale variables and create custom formatting strings to
use those instead of FPC's ones.  MSEgui had to do the exact same
thing. A lot of effort, plus you need to notify the toolkit users to
use the toolkit specific formatting functions, instead of the standard
RTL ones.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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